Privacy Policy for Website Traffic
请仔细阅读以下内容,以了解我们对您的个人信息的处理方式. This policy applies to your use of our website and how personal information you provide to us via our website is stored, transferred, and processed.
Information we may collect about you
We may collect and process the following information: You may provide personal information by filling in forms on our website, or by corresponding with us (for example, via online forms or email). This information may include:
- 联系信息,如包括电子邮件和邮政地址,电话号码,付款信息
- Records of any correspondence
How we use this information
We use the information you provide to understand your needs and to improve the content and services we offer via our website, and to provide services which you request.
Disclosure of your information
We may disclose the information which we collect or which you provide with Susquehanna University schools, departments, and offices and its contracted services, for the purpose of providing you service and/or for the academic and business purposes of Susquehanna University.
We will not sell, distribute, 或将您的个人信息出租给无关联方,除非我们得到您的许可, 除非披露或分享您的个人资料的责任是必要的,以遵守法律或监管义务或要求.
Storage of your personal data
我们向您收集的信息将被存储, transferred, 并在美国境内加工. 提交您的个人数据即表示您同意这种存储、传输和/或处理. 我们将采取一切合理必要的措施,确保您的数据得到安全的处理,并符合本隐私政策. In order to prevent unauthorized access, we have appropriate physical, technical, 以及管理控制和程序来保护和保护我们在网上收集的信息.
不幸的是,通过互联网传输的信息本质上不是完全安全的. 虽然我们会尽力保护您的个人资料, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to us; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, 我们将使用适当的安全程序来防止未经授权的访问, but this cannot be guaranteed.
我们使用cookie来识别哪些页面正在我们的网站上使用. 这有助于我们分析有关网页流量的数据并改进我们的网站. 我们仅将此信息用于统计分析目的. 您可以选择拒绝使用我们网站的cookies. 但是,这可能会使您无法充分利用我们的网站.
Overall, cookie使我们能够监控哪些页面经常访问,哪些页面无用,从而帮助我们提供更好的网络体验. cookie不会让我们访问您的计算机或任何有关您的信息, 除了您选择与我们分享的信息.
You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, 但如果你愿意,你通常可以修改你的浏览器设置来拒绝cookies. 这可能会使您无法充分利用我们的网站.
Links to other websites
我们的网站可能包含非浩博体育app运营的其他网站的链接. Such sites are not governed by this policy. We are not responsible for the protection and privacy of any information you provide while visiting such websites.
Access to information
Residents of the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) have the right to access information stored about them. 根据《浩博体育app网站》(GDPR),可以通过以下数据保护官的联系信息行使该权利. There may be a fee for this access. 与信息访问有关的其他条款将由数据保护官处理.
Changes to privacy policy
Contact information
Susquehanna University
514 University Ave.
Selinsgrove, PA 17870
Conditions of Use
信息技术办公室(IT)负责浩博体育app集中管理的信息技术活动. 它发展和提供服务,使大学的其他部门受益,并促进分散信息技术活动的成功.
IT服务于大量和各种各样的用户——教师、职员、学生和外部客户. As members of the Susquehanna University community and in accordance with the overall policy in this area, 所有类型的用户都有责任有效地使用IT的服务, efficient, ethical, and legal manner.
适用于信息技术资源的道德和法律标准直接来源于适用于使用任何共享资源的常识和共同规范标准. 这首先取决于浩博体育app所培养的相互尊重与合作的精神,以解决分歧并改善不时出现的问题.
本使用条件声明就是本着这种精神发表的. 声明的目的是促进负责任的人, ethical, legal, 以及安全使用资讯科技资源,以保护所有用户.
Authorized Use
To respect the privacy of other users; for example, you shall not intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files, tapes, 或者其他用户或学校的密码, or represent others (i.e.(以其他人身份登录),除非这些用户明确授权这样做.
To respect the legal protection provided by copyright and licensing of programs and data; for example, you shall not make copies of a licensed computer program to avoid paying additional license fees or to share with other users.
To respect the intended usage of accounts; for example, you shall use assigned accounts, transactions, data, and processes authorized by faculty, department heads, or project directors for the purposes specified, and shall not access or use other accounts, transactions, data, 除非得到授权人员的明确授权,否则不得使用任何流程.
To respect the integrity of the system or network; for example, 您不得故意开发或使用程序, transactions, data, or processes that harass other users or infiltrate the system or damage or alter the software or data components of a system. 对任何系统或网络软件或数据组件的更改只能在授权教员的具体指示下进行, department heads, project directors, or management staff.
To respect the rights of other users; for example, 你应该遵守学校关于性的所有政策, racial, and other forms of harassment, 你不得泄露与教员有关的敏感个人信息, staff, 或者你在没有明确授权的情况下可以接触的学生.
遵守大学的各项政策和程序,包括, but not limited to, policies on proper use of information resources, information technology, and networks; acquisition, use, and disposal of university-owned computer equipment; use of telecommunications equipment; ethical and legal use of software; and ethical and legal use of administrative data.
Mass e-mail of any kind. 群发电子邮件被定义为发送给50个以上收件人的任何电子邮件或电子邮件的组合. The University Bulletin Board offers a web-based area for mass communication to the University community.
Chain letters.
Buying or selling items. The Electronic Newsletter and Bulletin Board offers a web-based area to post items for sale or items desired for purchase. Please note that no university resources may be used as part of a for-profit venture by any individual or group.
A request for or offer of a ride. 电子通讯和公告板提供了一个基于网络的区域来请求或提供乘车服务.
Items lost or found. The Electronic Newsletter and Bulletin Board offers a web-based area to post items that have been lost or found.
制定这些政策是为了确保大学社区的所有人都能访问和方便使用. If a student fails to comply with these policies, 他或她的电子邮件特权将被取消两周. 第二次违规将导致取消两个月的电子邮件特权, and a third violation will result in revocation of e-mail privileges for the remainder of the semester. A violation in the last week of the semester will result in the penalties being applied in the next semester. 任何故意干扰或损害电子邮件系统的行为将被视为对大学信息技术系统的攻击,并将受到更严厉的处罚.
此外,浩博体育app保持联系的其他外部网络(如.g.(INTERNET)建立了可接受的使用标准. 遵守这些网络的标准是你的责任. The University cannot and will not extend any protection to you should you violate the policies of an external network.
您应该意识到,尽管IT提供并保护文件的安全性, account numbers, authorization codes, and passwords, 安全可以通过超出IT合理控制的行为或原因被破坏. You are urged, therefore, to safeguard your data, authorization codes, and passwords; to take full advantage of file security mechanisms built into the computing systems; to change your account password frequently; and to follow the security policies and procedures established to control access to and use of administrative data.
Violations of Conditions of Use
违反上述任何条件都是不道德的,可能违反大学政策或刑事犯罪. You are expected to report to IT instances in which the above conditions have been or are being violated. 当IT意识到可能违反这些条件时,它将启动调查. At the same time, 以防止进一步可能的未经授权的活动, 资讯科技可暂停对有关个人或帐户的电脑服务授权. 按照大学的惯例, policies and procedures, 确认未经授权使用IT资源可能导致纪律审查, expulsion from the University, termination of employment, legal action, or other disciplinary action.
Appropriate and Responsible Use
计算资源的使用方式应与指令一致, public service, research, and administrative objectives of the University, in general, 并且与授权使用的项目或任务的具体目标相一致, in particular. All uses inconsistent with these objectives, even if authorized, 是否被认为是不适当的使用,并可能危及进一步的授权.
您应该以负责任和有效的方式使用计算资源. IT将提供指导,帮助您有效地使用这些资源. 如果您使用大量的计算和数据处理资源, 例如,你应该避免从事故意浪费的做法, printing large amounts of unnecessary listings, maintaining large numbers of unused files, 或者纯粹出于娱乐目的玩游戏.
相关的考虑是认识到计算资源是有限的. Therefore, you are expected to cooperate to the greatest extent possible in making these resources available to others.
IT资源包括用于人类交互的系统,例如消息传递和会议. 资讯科技署既支持这些媒体的言论自由,也支持大学反对种族歧视的政策, sexual, and other forms of harassment. 浩博体育app致力于成为一个种族, ethnically, and religiously heterogeneous community.
Computer conferences in particular provide a vehicle through which the University’s commitment can be realized, 因为他们召集了非常广泛的社会各界来讨论各种各样的问题, including those of bigotry, racism, and sexism. 同时利用各种媒介进行电子通信, 你应该注意你的贡献对校园社区的影响. 在你参加的每个会议中,你都应该遵守为参与者行为设定的标准, 以及良好公民的标准和大学行为准则中所描述的标准. Be mindful that you represent Susquehanna in outside conferences and that outside users will judge Susquehanna by your conduct.
管理数据的使用伴随着数据安全的特殊责任, userIDs, and passwords made available to access such data. As an administrative data user, you are responsible for properly safeguarding any administrative data which may be accessed by a terminal, personal computer, or any other distributed workstation. You should store data on storage media, such as floppy disks, 在符合数据安全分类的安全环境中.
您的管理用户id定义了适合您的工作功能的访问授权级别, and you are considered responsible for all activity that occurs under your administrative userIDs and passwords. For this reason, 你不应该在微型计算机系统中存储用户名和密码, 您也不应该与他人共享您的用户id和密码. 您还被认为有责任了解与访问和使用管理数据有关的安全政策和程序.
IT Responsibilities
IT has a responsibility to provide service in the most efficient manner while considering the needs of the total user community. At certain times, the process of carrying out these responsibilities may require special actions or intervention by the staff. 在所有其他时间,IT人员没有超出其他用户的特殊权限. IT应尽一切努力确保处于受信任职位的人员不滥用计算资源或数据,或利用其职位获取履行职责不需要的信息.
它不喜欢充当纪律机构或警察活动. However, in cases of unauthorized, inappropriate, or irresponsible behavior, IT保留采取补救措施的权利, 首先调查可能的虐待行为. In this connection, IT, with all due regard for the rights of privacy, shall have the authority to examine files, passwords, accounting information, printouts, tapes, 或者其他可能有助于调查的材料. 检查您的文件必须得到适当的IT高级经理或指定人员的授权. 如有要求,你应配合调查. 如果不这样做,可能会取消访问权限.
Privacy Statement
浩博体育app尊重您的隐私,并将保护您通过任何沟通方式与学校分享的信息. 这个声明解释了浩博体育app如何收集, safeguards and may use the information you entrust to the university via the Susquehanna University World Wide Web site, comprising but not limited to the hosts,,,, and
Server logs
Susquehanna的网络主机收集并存储您的网络浏览器发送的信息. This information includes:
与正在使用的设备相关联的IP (Internet Protocol)地址, such as a personal computer, 手持设备或用户网络的防火墙或代理服务器
The address (URL) of the page or file requested
The address (URL) of the “referring page,浏览器在请求之前立即加载的页面
“User agent” information, which usually includes information about the browser software and operating system the computer or device is currently running
这些信息不会泄露个人身份信息,但可以让浩博体育app分析大学系统使用的趋势. This information, including reports generated from the information, is stored indefinitely by the university. 报告可能偶尔会与第三方供应商共享以进行进一步分析. By having this information available, Susquehanna能够改善Susquehanna网站的性能和用户体验.
Susquehanna may use “cookies,由大学系统放置在你电脑硬盘上的小文本文件, which make it possible for those systems to determine if a specific computer has made previous requests. 他们不收集或存储任何个人身份信息, and Susquehanna does not combine information collected through cookies with other personal information to determine who you are. 使用cookie可以增强Susquehanna网站的用户体验. 浏览Susquehanna网站不需要cookie,除非使用安全web服务.
Secure Web services
When using web services provided by Susquehanna, you may be asked to authenticate or log on, using a user name and password. Susquehanna向校园社区成员提供用户名和初始密码. 在完成注册过程后,Susquehanna向大学的朋友提供某些服务的用户名和初始密码. Users will be required to change their initial password and may also be required to change it periodically thereafter. 密码以加密或加密的格式存储在大学系统中.
Information transferred between your web browser and university systems during the use of web services is encrypted. To provide this capability, Susquehanna使用一种称为安全套接字层(SSL)的网络协议。, 一个基于证书的128位加密协议,它建立了一个安全的互联网会话,并确保你提交的信息只有你和大学系统可以访问. You can determine whether or not web pages are secure by looking at the address (URL) of the web page being viewed.
An “s” at the end of “http” (http:) indicates that you are attached to a secure server with SSL technology. This prevents unauthorized individuals from eavesdropping on your private information while you communicate with Susquehanna.
Susquehanna web services require the use of a “session cookie” to facilitate the establishment of a session. 会话cookie存储唯一的标识数据,允许Susquehanna确认您是大学系统在此会话期间唯一与之通信的人. 此cookie仅在您登录到会话时存在. 没有会话cookie,您将无法使用Susquehanna提供的web服务. If you prefer to not accept cookies in general, 您可以在web浏览器设置中为域“susqu”指定一个例外.edu”. A “log off” button is provided to terminate your session and further protect your private information.
Information collection
Susquehanna may collect information from a user, with the user’s permission, for the purpose of providing various services or improving the overall content and user experience of the web site. 这些信息可能会与大学内的其他人或部门共享,以提供所要求的服务,但未经您的明确同意,不会与任何第三方共享. 唯一的例外是为了进行正常的大学业务(例如:向支付处理程序提供信用卡信息以完成支付交易),或者Susquehanna在法律上被要求披露信息以响应法院发出的传票或法律允许的政府机构或监管机构的调查. 浩博体育app不会出于商业目的分发或出售电子邮件地址列表,但偶尔可能会向代表大学提供服务的第三方附属机构提供列表.
Outside links
Susquehanna’s web content may link to content located on Internet servers not owned or affiliated with Susquehanna. 这些第三方网站既不受Susquehanna的监控也不受其控制. 因此,此策略不会扩展到这些站点.
Circumstances beyond the university’s control
而Susquehanna努力保护其用户的个人信息和隐私, 它不能保证您在网上披露的任何信息的安全, and you do so at your own risk. 萨斯奎汉纳大学的政策不延伸到互联网运营中固有的任何事情,因此超出了大学的控制范围,也不会以违反适用法律或政府法规的任何方式适用.
Right to change policy
萨斯奎汉纳保留随时修改本政策的自由裁量权. 更改将在生效前发布在萨斯奎汉纳网站上. Approved December 2005, Web Steering Committee.
Web Disclaimer
浩博体育app为学生提供设施, faculty and staff to create personal web pages. 一些个人页面包含有关大学教学的信息, research, administrative or public service programs. Other pages include personal interests, avocations, 艺术表达和互联网资源链接.
Susquehanna University does not preview, censor, 当然,也不能以任何方式控制这些页面的内容. 这些网页的作者有责任遵守所有相关法律和大学政策. 个人页面中表达的观点完全是页面作者的观点, 对其内容的任何评论都应向他们提出.